Creating a Security Program for Small to Medium Sized Businesses

1. Embrace Single Sign-On (SSO) SSO simplifies access and enhances security. Decide on an IdP (Identity Provider) early on and use that provider with every vendor your business integrates with. Some examples of IdPs are Google Workspace, Auth0 and Microsoft just to name a few. 2. Insist on Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Implement MFA wherever possible, avoiding SMS-based methods due to their vulnerability to SIM swapping attacks. For enhanced security, consider hardware factor authentication options such as biometric scanners, including Touch ID or fingerprint recognition, and physical security keys like YubiKey....

November 11, 2023

Wordpress vs Static Site Generators

In a digital world where every business needs an online presence, the debate between using traditional Content Management Systems like WordPress and Static Site Generators is relevant more than ever. While WordPress powers a significant portion of the web, security vulnerabilities and maintenance burdens often outweigh its benefits. In contrast, Static Site Generators such as Hugo offer a streamlined approach to establishing a web presence, with notable advantages in security and operational simplicity....

November 10, 2023